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Tradition since 1772
Bronces Riópar, is a company dedicated to bronze casting, bronze craftsmanship and the manufacture of bronze and brass articles. Specialized in lost wax casting and bronze sculpture. It has a tradition that dates back to 1772, the year in which the Royal Factories of San Juan de Alcaraz were founded, the first in Spain and second in Europe in the manufacture of this type of articles.
Our staff is made up of true and expert craftsmen, fruit of the tradition of an entire people forged in this art. In each of our pieces, we put all the care and mastery that gives them that handmade touch making them true works of art.

Tradition since 1772
Bronces Riópar, is a company dedicated to bronze casting, bronze craftsmanship and the manufacture of bronze and brass articles. Specialized in lost wax casting and bronze sculpture. It has a tradition that dates back to 1772, the year in which the Royal Factories of San Juan de Alcaraz were founded, the first in Spain and second in Europe in the manufacture of this type of articles.
Our staff is made up of true and expert craftsmen, fruit of the tradition of an entire people forged in this art. In each of our pieces, we put all the care and mastery that gives them that handmade touch making them true works of art.

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